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Thursday, 24 November 2011 at 08:26
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Tell me about myself
Level: Any Level
Prepare in advance, on an overhead transparency or white-board, a mind map of yourself. Instead of using sentences to describe your life, use single words, numbers, dates, symbols and illustrations where possible.
For example I include information about my life in Kedah, names of siblings, date of birth, name of hometown etc. (My hometown is Langkawi, Kedah which I then illustrate with a eagle, and beautiful beaches. It keeps them guessing.)
I include information about my husband (name and illustration of job), children (names, ages, birthdays). You can add your shoe size, height, illustrations of your hobbies etc. I draw a needle and thread - sewing, a pair of skis - I enjoy skiing, and a pencil - drawing.
Any kind of information can be included. Use your imagination! I live in Kedah and draw a picture of a Paddy feild with a cross through it to illustrate that I dont like the flood!
Get your students to tell you what the information means. For example.
- July - is that when your birthday is?
- Does the cup and saucer mean you drink tea?
Try and get a good mix of obvious and less obvious information. For example, when I drew a fish (to illustrate that I kept tropical fish) it provoked questions like:
- Do you eat a lot of fish?
- Do you enjoy fishing?
- Is your star sign pisces?
Give them a clue if they're having problems guessing.
This game has worked wonderfully for me in many classes of varying levels. To follow up, get you students to take a few minutes to prepare something similar individually, and then work in pairs guessing what the information means about their partner.
- Salina Jamaluddin on 3 December 2011 at 06:19 said...
Hi Azah...nice blog.. made me lost.
follow me too -
- Aina on 3 December 2011 at 22:35 said...
hi Salina, biasa2 je blog nih.. azah dah follow dah..
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